Our mission has always been serving strength athletes with the best in coaching and education.

Our team of coaches has decades of competitive experience and excels at weightlifting, powerlifting, and super total.

Their detailed approach to building a strong foundation with sound mechanics and proper recovery helps everyone - no matter what their experience age, or strength level.

You can count on our team of coaches to provide evidence-based coaching for training, competition, and for life!


During and after his competitive weightlifting and powerlifting career, Max has been coaching for over 20 years and has helped over 1000 clients in person and remotely.

He has been mentored by and learned from some of the greatest minds in the game inlcluding Ivan Abadejev, Steve Goth, Glenn Pendlay and others.

His coaching achievements include multiple national record holders, Pan Am competitors and a Pan Am winner and record holder in weightlifting as well as masters world champions and record holders in powerlifting.

His ideal client is anyone who is driven, self motivated to make progress and loves to learn.



Jo Ann Aita is a Masters World Champion in both Weightlifting and Powerlifting.

Jo Ann is a former All American track and field athlete competing for UCLA in 1988, she got started in Weightlifting by the infamous Jim Shmitz of the Sports Palace in San Francisco.

She has more than 2 decades of in the trenches experience and over that time has coached over 1000 athletes both in person and remotely.

Her coaching style is very in depth and personal, she leaves no stone unturned in the pursuit of making you stronger.